Netcompany - Notice to convene the Annual General Meeting 2024

Source: GlobeNewswire
Netcompany - Notice to convene the Annual General Meeting 2024

Company announcement
No. 04/2024

                                                26 January 2024

Notice to convene the Annual General Meeting 2024

The Annual General Meeting of Netcompany Group A/S will be held on Thursday, 29 February 2024 at 15:00 (CET).

The Annual General Meeting will be held completely electronically and admission and participation in the General Meeting will solely take place via the internet in accordance with the Articles of Association section 7.2 and as further described in the notice. Physical attendance will not be possible.

The notice to convene the Annual General Meeting, including appendix 1 (Description of the candidates for the Board of Directors) is enclosed.

Further information about the Annual General Meeting is available at:

Additional information
For additional information, please contact:

Netcompany Group A/S
Thomas Johansen, CFO
Tine K Boye, General Counsel

+45 51 19 32 24
+45 24 91 75 33

