
Q linea AB

Q linea AB

  • Price (EUR)0.007
  • Today's Change-0.005 / -41.67%
  • Shares traded5.00k
  • 1 Year change-75.14%
  • Beta--
Data delayed at least 15 minutes, as of Mar 07 2025.
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Balance sheet Back to Overview

In millions of SEK
(except for per share items)
Fiscal data as of Dec 31 2024202420232022
Cash And Short Term Investments268273
Total Receivables, Net352.9846
Total Inventory334742
Prepaid expenses2.97362.47
Other current assets, total------
Total current assets97167163
Property, plant & equipment, net425658
Goodwill, net4.894.894.89
Intangibles, net0.040.130.24
Long term investments4.204.103.00
Note receivable - long term--0.050.05
Other long term assets------
Total assets148232230
Accounts payable3.705.3122
Accrued expenses179.6713
Notes payable/short-term debt--00
Current portion long-term debt/capital leases1057.666.12
Other current liabilities, total3.066.8112
Total current liabilities1292952
Total long term debt461315
Total debt1512121
Deferred income tax------
Minority interest0----
Other liabilities, total----0.00
Total liabilities1754267
Common stock5.865.861.48
Additional paid-in capital1.311,4831,235
Retained earnings (accumulated deficit)(35)(1300)(1073)
Treasury stock - common------
Unrealized gain (loss)------
Other equity, total--0.00--
Total equity(27)190163
Total liabilities & shareholders' equity148232230
Total common shares outstanding828828209
Treasury shares - common primary issue2.322.322.32
Data Provided by LSEG
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