Company Announcements

BlackRock Frontiers Investment Trust Plc - Portfolio Update



All information is at 31 July 2024 and unaudited.

Performance at month end with net income reinvested.


                                 One   Three  One  Three Five  Since
                                 month months year years years Launch*
                                 %     %      %    %     %     %


Share price                      2.3   1.2    5.3  43.6  27.3  145.9

Net asset value                  0.6   0.8    7.3  44.0  36.1  171.2

Benchmark (NR)**                 1.7   -0.1   2.5  21.7  3.0   87.4

MSCI Frontiers Index (NR)        0.2   3.0    7.1  0.3   5.7   80.8

MSCI Emerging Markets Index (NR) -1.3  2.2    6.4  -0.4  12.7  65.6

US Dollars:

Share price                      3.9   3.8    5.2  32.8  33.6  103.6

Net asset value                  2.2   3.4    7.1  33.1  42.9  124.2

Benchmark (NR)**                 3.4   2.5    2.3  12.4  8.0   55.5

MSCI Frontiers Index (NR)        1.9   5.7    7.0  -7.3  10.8  48.9

MSCI Emerging Markets Index (NR) 0.3   4.8    6.3  -8.0  18.3  36.5


Sources: BlackRock and Standard & Poor’s Micropal

* 17 December 2010.

** The Company’s benchmark changed from MSCI Frontier Markets Index to MSCI Emerging ex Selected Countries + Frontier Markets + Saudi Arabia Index (net total return, USD) effective 1/4/2018.

At month end

US Dollar

Net asset value - capital only:                        201.85c

Net asset value - cum income:                          206.58c


Net asset value - capital only:                        157.14p

Net asset value - cum income:                          160.82p

Share price:                                           147.00p

Total assets (including income):                       £304.5m

Discount to cum-income NAV:                            8.6%

Gearing:                                               Nil

Gearing range (as a % of gross assets):                0-20%

Net yield*:                                            4.5%

Ordinary shares in issue**:                            189,325,748

Ongoing charges***:                                    1.38%

Ongoing charges plus taxation and performance fee****: 3.78%


*The Company’s yield based on dividends announced in the last 12 months as at the date of the release of this announcement is 4.5%, and includes the 2023 final dividend of 4.90 cents per share, declared on 30 November 2023, and paid to shareholders on 14 February 2024, and the 2024 interim dividend of 3.50 cents per share, declared on 31 May 2024, and paid to shareholders on 01 July 2024.

** Excluding 52,497,053 ordinary shares held in treasury.

***The Company’s ongoing charges are calculated as a percentage of average daily net assets and using the management fee and all other operating expenses excluding performance fees, finance costs, direct transaction costs, custody transaction charges, VAT recovered, taxation and certain non-recurring items for Year ended 30 September 2023.

**** The Company’s ongoing charges are calculated as a percentage of average daily net assets and using the management fee and all other operating expenses and including performance fees but excluding finance costs, direct transaction costs, custody transaction charges, VAT recovered, taxation and certain non-recurring items for Year ended 30 September 2023.


Sector           Gross market value    Country              Gross market value
Analysis         as a % of net assets  Analysis             as a % of net assets

Financials       45.8                  Saudi Arabia         18.6

Industrials      12.6                  Indonesia            14.0

Materials        11.2                  United Arab Emirates 9.5

Real Estate      10.1                  Philippines          8.6

Energy           9.7                   Kazakhstan           8.1

Consumer Staples 8.3                   Hungary              6.8

Communication    7.3                   Poland               5.8

Consumer         5.0                   Turkey               5.1

Information      4.9                   Thailand             4.2

Health Care      0.9                   Pakistan             3.8

Utilities        0.3                   Qatar                3.5

                 -----                 Kenya                3.4

                 116.1                 Vietnam              2.9

                 -----                 Greece               2.9

Short Positions  -3.5                  Georgia              2.5

                                       Malaysia             2.4

                                       Singapore            2.2

                                       Colombia             2.1

                                       Multi-International  2.0

                                       Czech Republic       1.8

                                       Egypt                1.8

                                       Chile                1.6

                                       Cambodia             1.0

                                       Romania              0.8

                                       Bangladesh           0.7




                                       Short positions

*reflects gross market exposure from contracts for difference (CFDs).


Market Exposure

      31.08 30.09 31.10 30.11 31.12 31.01 29.02 31.03 30.04 31.05 30.06 31.07

      2023  2023  2023  2023  2023  2024  2024  2024  2024  2024  2024  2024

      %     %     %     %     %     %     %     %     %     %     %     %

Long  113.3 114.9 118.8 113.4 116.6 119.5 121.4 120.4 120.8 118.1 118.4 116.1

Short 3.0   3.0   3.1   4.6   4.7   3.6   3.5   2.7   2.3   2.4   2.9   3.5

Gross 116.3 117.9 121.9 118.0 121.3 123.1 124.9 123.1 123.1 120.5 121.3 119.6

Net   110.3 111.9 115.7 108.8 111.9 115.9 117.9 117.7 118.5 115.7 115.5 112.6



Ten Largest Investments


Company                  Country of Risk      Gross market value as a % of net

Bank Central Asia        Indonesia            4.8

Emaar Properties         United Arab Emirates 4.6

Saudi National Bank      Saudi Arabia         4.6

Kaspi.Kz JCS             Kazakhstan           3.9

FPT                      Vietnam              2.9

PT Bank Negara Indonesia Indonesia            2.8

Etihad Etisalat          Saudi Arabia         2.7

Turkiye Is Bankasi       Turkey               2.7

PZU                      Poland               2.6

Ayala Land               Philippines          2.6


Commenting on the markets, Sam Vecht, Emily Fletcher and Sudaif Niaz, representing the Investment Manager noted:

The Company’s NAV rose by 2.2% in July, underperforming its benchmark the MSCI Emerging ex Selected Countries + Frontier Markets + Saudi Arabia Index (“Benchmark Index”) which returned +3.4%. For reference, the MSCI Emerging Markets Index was up by 0.3% while the MSCI Frontier Markets Index gained 1.9% over the same period. All performance figures are on a US Dollar basis with net income reinvested.


Emerging markets(EM) was flat over the month, underperforming developed markets (+1.7%) despite an improving macroeconomic backdrop. Whilst dollar weakness and increasing likelihood of the federal reserve easing in September 2024 are supportive, increasing geopolitical tension and tariffs post US elections weighed on sentiment. In a reversal from June 2024, EMEA (+3.4%) was the best performing region in EM, with strong returns coming from Greece (+6.9%), UAE (+6.8%) and Egypt (+6.1%). Latin America (+0.9%) outperformed EM in July 2024 but remains in deeply negative territory (-17.6%) Year to date. EM Asia (-0.8%) was the month's worst performing region, dragged down by a pull-back in the tech rally.


Although stock selection had a negative impact on the overall portfolio returns, certain stocks performed well. The largest contributor to returns was our holding in Bank of Georgia (+19.6%). The stock sold off in May 2024 following the passing of the Georgian foreign agents bill, but has since rebounded partly due to sell side upgrades that now factor in the company’s acquisition of Armenian bank Ameriabank. Gold exposure through our holding in Turkish gold mine operator Eldorado Gold (+14.7%) also did well on the back of rising gold price. IT services company, EPAM Systems, also helped returns as the stock bounced back from previous lows following a broker upgrade from Jefferies. In UAE, Air Arabia (14.3%), the Emirati low-cost airline, was another contributor to performance.


On the flipside, Hungarian low-cost carrier Wizz Air (-13.1%) was the largest detractor after cutting its profit forecast. The company has been impacted by engine issues at their engine supplier Pratt & Whitney, resulting in grounded planes and higher leasing costs for Wizz. Philippines based resort and casino operator Bloomberry Resorts (-12.7%) was another detractor, extending losses from June. The Polish supermarket chain Jeronimo Martins (-10.7%) also detracted after reporting margin weakness for the first half of 2024 and communicating to the market that this could continue over the next coming months.


We made few changes to the portfolio in July. In Indonesia, we rotated our bank exposure by exiting Bank Mandiri and initiating a position in Bank Negara as we are positive on its continued turn around. We took advantage of weakness in the Polish market to add to our holding in Polish insurance company PZU. Elsewhere in Europe, we took profits by exiting OPAP (Greek Organization of Football). The stock has done exceptionally well for the fund.


As higher global rates continue to feed through into the real economy, we expect some moderation of demand in developed markets. We note slowing credit growth in particular in the US. In contrast, we continue to see improving activity levels in some frontier and smaller emerging markets. With inflation falling across many countries within our universe, rate cuts have started to materialize in some countries. This is a good set up for domestically oriented economies to see a cyclical pick up. We remain positive on the outlook for small emerging and frontier markets relative developed markets, and we find significant value in currencies and equity markets across our investment opportunity set. Our investment universe, in absolute and relative terms, remains under-researched and we believe this should enable compelling alpha opportunities.



1 BlackRock as at 31 July 2024

2 MSCI as at 31 July 2024


15 August 2024




Latest information is available by typing on the internet, "BLRKINDEX" on Reuters, "BLRK" on Bloomberg or "8800" on Topic 3 (ICV terminal). Neither the contents of the Manager’s website nor the contents of any website accessible from hyperlinks on BlackRock’s website (or any other website) is incorporated into, or forms part of, this announcement.

