
Appian Corp

Appian Corp

  • Price (EUR)28.24
  • Today's Change-1.15 / -3.91%
  • Shares traded--
  • 1 Year change-16.23%
  • Beta--
Data delayed at least 15 minutes, as of Mar 10 2025 20:52 BST.
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Balance sheet Back to Overview

In millions of USD
(except for per share items)
Fiscal data as of Dec 31 2024202420232022
Cash And Short Term Investments160159196
Total Receivables, Net195172166
Total Inventory------
Prepaid expenses445028
Other current assets, total373432
Total current assets436414422
Property, plant & equipment, net688379
Goodwill, net262726
Intangibles, net2.243.895.25
Long term investments----0
Note receivable - long term------
Other long term assets25363.29
Total assets621628594
Accounts payable4.326.178.00
Accrued expenses565860
Notes payable/short-term debt000
Current portion long-term debt/capital leases9.60662.74
Other current liabilities, total285241200
Total current liabilities355371270
Total long term debt241140115
Total debt250207118
Deferred income tax00.000.10
Minority interest------
Other liabilities, total586463
Total liabilities654575449
Common stock0.010.010.01
Additional paid-in capital591596561
Retained earnings (accumulated deficit)(612)(520)(408)
Treasury stock - common------
Unrealized gain (loss)------
Other equity, total(12)(24)(7.25)
Total equity(33)52146
Total liabilities & shareholders' equity621628594
Total common shares outstanding747373
Treasury shares - common primary issue000
Data Provided by LSEG
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