
Aisin Corp

Aisin Corp

  • Price (USD)34.58
  • Today's Change0.00 / 0.00%
  • Shares traded--
  • 1 Year change--
  • Beta--
Data delayed at least 15 minutes, as of Nov 08 2023.
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Cash flow Back to Overview

In millions of JPY
(except for per share items)
Fiscal data as of Mar 31 2024202420232022
Net income149,87773,741219,983
Non-Cash items4,09219,981--
Cash taxes paid, supplemental32,91969,70678,694
Cash interest paid, supplemental8,51611,8659,394
Changes in working capital72,874(134471)(285259)
Total cash from operations501,143236,438193,343
Capital expenditures(244464)(238870)(234035)
Other investing and cash flow items, total151,31152,01329,083
Total cash from investing(93153)(186857)(204952)
Financing cash flow items(5380)(14433)(11734)
Total cash dividends paid(48502)(45792)(45817)
Issuance (retirement) of stock, net------
Issuance (retirement) of debt, net(157817)(67527)(78308)
Total cash from financing(211699)(127752)(135859)
Foreign exchange effects13,2078,95914,346
Net change in cash209,498(69212)(133122)
Net cash-begin balance/reserved for future use317,693386,906520,028
Net cash-end balance/reserved for future use527,191317,693386,906
Depreciation, supplemental274,300277,187258,619
Cash interest paid, supplemental8,51611,8659,394
Cash taxes paid, supplemental32,91969,70678,694
Data Provided by LSEG
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