Financials data is unavailable for this security.
Balance sheet in USDView more
Current ratio | -- |
Quick ratio | -- |
Total debt/total equity | 0.2478 |
Total debt/total capital | 0.1986 |
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Growth rates in USD
Year on year, growth in dividends per share remained flat while earnings per share excluding extraordinary items increased 830.60%. Additionally when measured on a five year annualized basis, dividend per share growth is in-line with the industry average relative to its peers, while earnings per share growth is above the industry average.
Div yield(5 year avg) | 10.55% |
Div growth rate (5 year) | 4.49% |
Payout ratio (TTM) | 27.00% |
EPS growth(5 years) | 107.29 |
EPS (TTM) vs TTM 1 year ago | 843.02 |
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