Financials data is unavailable for this security.
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Income statement information is not available for ElringKlinger AG .
Gross margin | 23.57% |
Net profit margin | -0.67% |
Operating margin | 1.66% |
Return on assets | -0.60% |
Return on equity | -1.31% |
Return on investment | -0.92% |
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Cash flow in EURView more
In 2023, ElringKlinger AG did not generate a significant amount of cash. However, the company earned 129.70m from its operations for a Cash Flow Margin of 7.02%. In addition the company used 90.15m on investing activities and also paid 39.73m in financing cash flows.
Cash flow per share | 2.63 |
Price/Cash flow per share | 1.72 |
Book value per share | 12.41 |
Tangible book value per share | 9.60 |
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Balance sheet in EURView more
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Current ratio | 1.54 |
Quick ratio | 0.7695 |
Total debt/total equity | 0.5075 |
Total debt/total capital | 0.3178 |
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