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About the company

argenx SE, formerly arGEN X BV, is a Netherlands-based biopharmaceutical company. It is primarily engaged in creating and developing a pipeline of differentiated antibody therapeutics for the treatment of severe autoimmune diseases using its discovery platform, Simple Antibody, which exploits characteristics of the llama immune system. The Company develops a pipeline of antibody therapeutics focused on cancer and autoimmune indications. It includes, but is not limited to: Empasiprubart, a complement inhibitor targeting C2, blocking the function of both the classical and lectin pathways, while leaving the alternative pathway intact, ARGX-119 an antagonist to the MuSK receptor with potential in multiple neuromuscular indications.

  • Revenue in EUR (TTM)2.01bn
  • Net income in EUR763.00m
  • Incorporated2008
  • Employees1.15k
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