
Lexington Gold Ltd

Lexington Gold Ltd

Basic MaterialsPrecious Metals and Mining
  • Price (GBX)3.45
  • Today's Change0.00 / 0.00%
  • Shares traded426.54k
  • 1 Year change-12.66%
  • Beta-0.0300
Data delayed at least 20 minutes, as of Mar 10 2025 13:40 BST.
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About the company

Lexington Gold Ltd is a gold exploration and development company. It holds interests in four diverse gold projects, covering a combined area of approximately 1,675 acres in North and South Carolina, United States and in six gold projects covering approximately 114,638 hectares in South Africa. The combined Jones-Keystone Properties and the Loflin Properties, which is located along strike to the southwest of Jones-Keystone, are referred to as the JKL Project. The Carolina Belle Project is located in Montgomery County, four kilometers (km) north-northwest of Candor, North Carolina. The Jennings-Pioneer Project forms part of the Barite Hill Gold district in South Carolina where several old mines and prospects are located within a 25 square kilometer area. The Argo Project is in the northwest corner of Nash County, about 16 km north of Nashville, North Carolina. Its White Rivers Exploration Projects include Jelani Resources JV, Kroonstad, Bothaville NE, Klerksdorp South, and Ventersburg.

  • Revenue in GBP (TTM)0.00
  • Net income in GBP136.22k
  • Incorporated2003
  • Employees670.00
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Peer analysis

Key Information
CompanyRevenue (TTM)Net income (TTM)Market capEmployeesPrice/earnings (TTM)Price/book value (MRQ)Price/cash flow (TTM)Price/sales (TTM)EPS (excl. extraordinary items, TTM)EPS (incl. extraordinary items, TTM)Revenue per share (TTM)Book value per share (MRQ)Asset turnover (TTM)Inventory turnover (TTM)Receivables turnover (TTM)Revenues per employee (TTM)Return on avg assets (TTM)Return on avg assets (5 yr avg)Return on investment (TTM)Return on investment (5 yr avg)Gross margin (TTM)Gross margin
(5 yr avg)
Net profit margin (TTM)Net Profit margin
(5 yr avg)
Quick ratio (MRQ)Interest coverage (TTM)Total debt to capital (MRQ)Payout ratio
(5 yr avg)
(YOY change %)
(5 yr growth rate)
Net income
(YOY change %)
Net income
(5 yr growth rate)
Capital expenditure
(5 yr growth rate)
(5 yr growth rate)
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Lexington Gold Ltd0.00136.22k13.72m670.0076.631.23----0.00050.00050.000.02810.00------0.5648-12.650.7202-16.39------------0.00------105.41--87.99--
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Data as of Mar 10 2025. Currency figures normalised to Lexington Gold Ltd's reporting currency: UK Pound GBX
Data Provided by LSEG
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